The North Carolina Soybean Producers Association has released a series of educational pamphlets titled Management Maters. Each pamphlet focuses on different topics and tips to help North Carolina soybean growers increase yields and profits.



[zig title=”Maximizing Yields” photo=”” btn_title=”PDF” no_destination=”no” btn_url=”” btn_target_new=”yes” side=”left” ]In North Carolina, soybeans are often thought of as a rotational crop. The state’s average yield is about 35 bushels per acre, only 70% of the national average. With over one million acres grown in the state, soybeans are our largest cash crop, occupying 25% of the field acreage. What are some management practices any grower can implement to help increase soybean yields?[/zig]

[zig title=”Managing Soybean Cyst Nematode” photo=”” btn_title=”PDF” no_destination=”no” btn_url=”” btn_target_new=”yes” side=”left” ]SCN is the leading cause of soybean yield loss in North America, yet many growers don’t even realize it’s a problem. Over 60% of fields in North Carolina are infested with SCN and it’s estimated the pest costs North Carolina Growers $30 million in yield loss annually. The first step is to determine the SCN levels in your fields and then tailor a management strategy for your farm. How can you test for and manage SCN-infested fields in increase yields and improve profits? [/zig]
