
North Carolina is known for producing a high-protein, high-oil commodity bean and has growers throughout the state growing non-GM, organic and food-grade beans under contract. Because of the short supply chains in the state, beans are handled less, leading to higher quality and lower foreign material. These enviable quality characteristics are amplified further when it comes to exports, given the majority of North Carolina soybeans are shipped in containers rather than bulk vessels.

From time to time, the NCSPA receives inquiries from domestic and foreign buyers looking to make purchases of commodity beans or contract specialty beans in the state. This page is a resource to link those buyers with North Carolina farmers.


How does it work?

  1. Create an account to access the directory. You must specify whether you’re a seller or buyer.

  2. If you wish to be listed in the directory, submit your information in the listings page. Once it’s approved by NC Soy, it will then be listed in either the buyers or sellers directory based on your account type.

  3. Once you’re signed in, you can view the directory based on account type.


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