CULTIVATE THE CLASRROOM: An Educator’s guide to helping students foster an appreciation of NC agriculture.
About Cultivate the Classroom:
With the help of Feed the Dialogue NC, through funding from the North Carolina Tobacco Trust Fund Commission and the United Soybean Board, the NCSPA is happy to announce the launch of our new educational resource, Cultivate the Classroom.
Cultivate the Classroom will equip educators with the resources and background knowledge needed to incorporate agricultural concepts into their instruction, no matter the subject.
This FREE resource is designed to qualify for contact hours for continuing education requirements and includes three learning modules covering an overview of the North Carolina agriculture industry, agriculture’s relationship with the environment, and an introduction to agricultural technology. Educators will also be provided with specially curated activities they can use in the classroom.
To register for resource access, click “Enroll Now”.
For more information, questions, or concerns, please reach out to Faith Case at fhcase@ncsoy.org.