Welcome aboard the North Carolina Soybean Producers Association’s newest addition! Ayden Law is joining the NCSPA team as a communication intern. Ayden lived in Greenville, S.C. for 15 years before moving to Stokesdale, N.C. when she was a freshman in high school, and lived there until she went away to college. Ayden is a student at North Carolina State University, where she is studying communication, concentrating in public relations, and minoring in business and agricultural business management. GO PACK!
Ayden’s interest in agriculture stemmed from spending time on her grandparents’ farm, her love for cooking, and an appreciation of farm fresh ingredients. While she did not grow up on a farm, Ayden’s lucky enough to attend one of the greatest schools for agriculture and has taken advantage of the opportunity to learn more about it through her studies. The Ag. Communicators Program at NC State has allowed Ayden to connect with other students who share similar goals to support agriculture. Ayden aspires to combine her interests in communications and agriculture to help farmers and all others involved better communicate with the public using both traditional and digital channels. She is looking forward to the abundant opportunities that the NCSPA has to offer, from building relationships to learning about soybeans. Ayden is excited to educate the public on soybeans, communicate the soy process effectively, and get the chance to spend time face-to-face with the growers.
Ayden enjoys spending time outdoors, especially time at the lake, where she loves to fish and go on the boat. Alongside cooking and being outdoors, Ayden likes going on walks, attending Carolina Hurricanes games and spending time with friends and family. She aspires to one day have a small farm of her own where she will use all the knowledge she gains during her time with the NCSPA. She hopes you all follow along through her journey here at NCSPA as their communication intern!