Considerations for Planning Crop Rotation

Crop rotation has been a cornerstone of sustainable farming for thousands of years, but the practice has become more complex. There are many factors that today’s farmers need to consider when developing their rotational plans. Seth Naeve, Ph.D., University of Minnesota associate professor and extension soybean agronomist, provides a list of the most important below.…


Considerations for Spring-Applied Nutrients

There are many things to consider when deciding whether to add fertilizer. Many farmers add it in the fall, but it may be time to consider adding it in the spring when nutrients are needed most. Adding fertilizer in the spring can prevent nutrient loss and be more sustainable by reducing the risk of runoff.…


Considering Seed Treatments?

The use of fungicide seed treatments is on the rise, with an estimated 60-70% of seed planted in 2014 being planted with a treatment as compared to just 30% in 2008. But, whether or not seed treatments are needed or will help with profitability depends on a variety of factors, such as weather, planting date,…


Consumers and Sustainability

An ever growing concern for U.S. consumers is the safety and sustainability of the food that is grown here at home. A recent survey showed that consumers are often unsure about what sustainable practices are being used. When giving a statement about today’s farmers and ranchers being sustainable, only 59% of men and 37% of women agreed.Continue reading…


Cost-Share Funds Available for Conservation Practices for Some Soybean Growers

    Soybean growers in Pitt, Green, Lenoir, Wayne, Duplin, Sampson, and Robeson counties are eligible to apply for a Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP) grant program through your NRCS office. This special program is led by Smithfield Foods and the Environmental Defense Fund to help grain farmers improve their productivity, profitability, and sustainability. SmithfieldGRO,…


Cotton and Soybean Scouting School

Please consider attending a scouting school this summer. We will post as they become available. Here is information on the first: Cotton & Soybean Scouting School July 13, 2018 2:00 pm Elm City American Legion, 100 American Legion Way, Elm City, NC 27822. Call for more information, contact your local N.C. Cooperative Extension Agent: Wilson: Norman…


Could Weather Affect Your Soybean Quality?

Three weather events that could increase or decrease oil and protein content in your soybeans this year Many factors help determine soybean protein and oil content – even the weather. Selecting soybean varieties with increased oil and protein content is important to meeting the demands of today’s customers. Soybeans with higher levels of those quality
