Annual Reports

The North Carolina Soybean Producers Association creates an annual report each year which gives the membership a recap of the key activities and accomplishments of the NCSPA. You can download past issues below.

Published in January 2022, the most recent report on major programs and investments of North Carolina soybean farmers and their checkoff can be read below.

Read the 2023 Annual Report

Research Reports

Investing in production research that enables North Carolina soybean farmers to successfully fight plant disease and pests, understand chemical and plant treatment efficacy in North Carolina conditions, understand current best farm management practices, and ultimately improve yields, is the highest priority of the North Carolina Soybean Producers Association. The association publishes an annual Research Report that highlights the checkoff-funded investments it makes in research each year.

Read the 2024 Research Report


Read the 2024 Spring Newsletter

NC Soybean Production Guide

For the first time ever, we are excited to announce that an NC Soybean Production Guide is available for our soybean growers. The North Carolina Soybean Producers Association worked with NCSU faculty to get this document published so growers would have the information they need to make better decisions and increase yield and profits in an easy to reference guide. You can access an electronice version below and growers can request printed copies by contact us here. 

NC Soybean Production Guide

NC Soybean Scouting & Field Guide

The North Carolina Soybean Producers Association in collaboration with North Carolina State University created a NC Soybean Scouting & Field Guide to provide farmers with brief descriptions and photographs of pest species and problems common in North Carolina.

A flipbook of the guide can be found below and the PDF version is available here.

NC Soybean Scouting & Field Guide