Soybean Population Information for 2016

Have questions on what soybean population to plant this year, given the potential for poorer seed quality and lower germination percentage? The chart below shows plants per acre based on various potential germination rates. Dr. Dunphy, Extension Soybean Specialist at N.C. State University, considers 75,000, 90,000. or 100,000 an adequate stand for maintaining yield when planted…


Roundup Ready 2 Xtend Soybean Varieties

‘Roundup Ready 2 Xtend’ (RR2 Xtend) soybean varieties are now becoming available for planting. Farmers should be aware of some significant concerns about use of these varieties. As of May 2, 2016, these seed were not approved for sale in Europe.  Processors and elevators may require special conditions for purchasing these beans from growers. Perdue…


EPA Public Comment Period for Dicamba

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) solicited public comments on the registration of Monsanto’s new dicamba formulation premixed with glyphosate to use in Monsanto’s Xtend trait systems in soybean and cotton. Although in commercial use for years, the use of dicamba in Monsanto’s Xtend seed trait system requires a new, separate registration. The public comment period is open from Apr.1 – May 31. Public…


EPA Concludes Gylphosate Does Not Cause Cancer

The EPA has made a preliminary finding that glyphosate is unlikely to cause cancer in humans – but the agency isn’t ready to go public yet. The EPA briefly posted to the regulatory docket Monday and then pulled down an October 2015 final report from its Cancer Assessment Review Committee, which is made of up…


Yogurt Maker Promises Only Non-GMO

A Piedmont area farmer mentioned today that Dannon, a yogurt maker and a downstream customer for products produced from feed grains, will begin transitioning to milk from cows fed only non-GMO grains.  Since many dairy cows are fed GMO grains, Dannon will have to find currently non-existent sources, or depend on a very tight supply…


Grain Buyers Wary of Xtend Soybeans

According to an article published in Feedstuffs Online by Jaqui Fatka, May 5, 2016, Archer Daniels Midland (ADM) and Bunge have said they will refuse to purchase Monsanto Roundup Ready 2 Xtend soybeans from producers before the seed trait receives EU approval.  That approval is still forthcoming. On Apr. 25, Perdue Agribusiness Sr. VP John…


Planting Technology Helps Farmers Be More Efficient

Planting technology has come a long way in recent years and farmers can benefit from optimal seed placement with increased yields. Randy Traylor, an assistant director of agriculture programs and former extension machinery specialist at Oklahoma State University, has tracked the improvements in technology and its impacts on agriculture. He recently discussed planting technology Q&As in THIS…


2016-2017 Research Project Locations

As farmers gear up for planting season, North Carolina Soybean Producers Association researchers are too. Each year, the NCSPA sponsors research projects throughout the state to gain valuable information to share with growers. Hopefully that information will help N.C. soybean growers make better decisions on how to manage their crops. Over 30 research projects and…


Managing Early Maturing Soybeans

Based on the shortage of VI and VII seed this year, some growers may find themselves planting an earlier maturing variety than they are accustomed to. This may seem scary but really, managing these earlier varieties isn’t that different from managing late maturing varieties. Here are a few things to know about managing early varieties.…
