Responding to Soil Test Results

Recent articles in this blog have focused on the importance of soil testing in overall farm management practices, but how farmers respond to the nutrient deficiencies and imbalanced pH will make the difference in achieving yield goals. Click here to learn more about addressing pH and macronutrient concerns.

Join Us for the 27th Annual Commodities Conference

The NC Commodities Conference will begin this Wed., Jan. 13 and continue through Fri, Jan. 15, 2016 at the Sheraton Imperial Hotel in Durham, NC.  It is the joint meeting of the Small Grains, Corn, Cotton, and Soybean Associations and will include vendor trade shows, commodity market outlook information, commodity extension specialist presentations, annual yield…


Cargill Announces New Program for Damaged Soybeans

Cargill announced today they will be offering a program to purchase damaged soybean at the Selma, N.C. location beginning tomorrow. The elevator bid details are: 0-30% Damage – Current bid and Regular schedule 30.1 -60% Damage – $5.40 (still subject to moisture, test weight, foreign matter and other discounts – not damage) 60.1-100% Damage –…


Telling Your Sustainability Story

Farmers today tend not to use the word “sustainable” when describing their operations, but they should. They have a great story to tell given the enormous increases that have been made in production in recent years, all while significantly decreasing soil erosion, fertilizer use, water use, per-unit green house gas production and more. Learn more…


The Basics of Soil Sampling

Soil sampling is a simple process and the first thing farmers need to do for a profitable crop. Click on the link below to get the Why’s, When’s, Who’s and How’s of a well-managed soil sampling program:
