Soy Health Myths Debunked

Soy growers often get questions from people about soy and their health, such as whether GMOs are safe, whether soy increases the role of breast cancer or whether soy can increase feminine traits. Growers may not know always know the answers, but can rest assured soy is safe and healthy. These concerns are largely based…


Celebrate Agriculture with the NCSPA at NC State’s Ag Day Football Game

We hope you’ll join the North Carolina Soybean Producers Association in celebrating agriculture, North Carolina’s top industry, at N.C.State University’s Ag Day football game vs. Louisville on Oct. 1, 2015. Festivities include the 24th annual CALS Tailgate event in PNC Arena prior to kick-off and family-friendly interactive sponsor exhibits, agriculture machinery displays and photo opportunities…


Choosing the Right Words to Tell Your Story

As farmers, we are often asked questions about our farming practices or how food is grown.This information is important to consumers and it’s important to answer their questions, and there’s no one better to answer them than the people who grow the food. As you tell your story, however, remember it’s important to use terms…


Consumers and Sustainability

An ever growing concern for U.S. consumers is the safety and sustainability of the food that is grown here at home. A recent survey showed that consumers are often unsure about what sustainable practices are being used. When giving a statement about today’s farmers and ranchers being sustainable, only 59% of men and 37% of women agreed.Continue reading…


Diversity Is Key To Weed Management

Many of you are probably familiar with the North Carolina Soybean Producers Association’s effort to eliminate herbicide resistant weeds, Weed Free NC. This campaign promotes taking a zero tolerance approach to getting rid of these weeds from pre-season field preparation and the use of pre-emergent products to post-emergent products before weeds are too large to…


Summer Outreach Activities

The North Carolina Soybean Producers Association has conducted numerous community outreach events this summer, reaching almost a thousand children at our regular Meet the Farmer event at Marbles Kids Museum, four agritourism farms around the state and multiple summer camps, mostly through extension offices. Laura Rogers, the association’s Community Outreach Coordinator has traveled to over…


Ending Hunger In Our Lifetime?

At the United Nations Third International Conference on Financing for Development, the Food and Agriculture Organization director-general, José Graziano Da Silva, stated that the upcoming generation has the prospect to become the first “Zero Hunger Generation” in history.  While to UN estimates that it will need another $267 billion annually to fight against rural and…


Think You May Have SCN?

Soybean cyst nematode is prevalent in North Carolina and is the number one soybean disease in the U.S., resulting in yield losses of more than 100 million bushels per year across the country. Read this article for the signs and symptoms of SCN, as well as to get tips on how to manage it:

Soybean Looper Insecticide Recommendations

Dr. Dominic Reisig, Associate Professor and Extension Specialist in Entomology at N.C. State University has made some changes to his recommendations regarding the best insecticides to use for soybean looper based on spray trials in recent years. He now recommends Intrepid Edge, Tracer/Blackhawk and Steward for the best control in the Blacklands area. Make sure…
