Diversity Is Key To Weed Management

Many of you are probably familiar with the North Carolina Soybean Producers Association’s effort to eliminate herbicide resistant weeds, Weed Free NC. This campaign promotes taking a zero tolerance approach to getting rid of these weeds from pre-season field preparation and the use of pre-emergent products to post-emergent products before weeds are too large to…


Dicamba Regulations for 2018

As growing season begins, it’s an important reminder that the EPA has classified three formulations of dicamba as Restricted Use Pesticides for 2018, BASF’s Engenia®, DuPont’s FeXapanTM and Monsanto’s XtendiMax®. As a Group 4 herbicide, and one of only a few in this site of action available for post-emergence use in soybeans, it’s an important…


Demand for U.S. Soy Strong

USDA economist Keith Menzie says the U.S. is valued as one of the most reliable and high-quality suppliers of soy in the world, a trend he expects to continue over the next 20 years. Rising incomes in the developing world and increased demand for meat, which in turn creates increased demand for protein to feed…


Cotton and Soybean Scouting School

Please consider attending a scouting school this summer. We will post as they become available. Here is information on the first: Cotton & Soybean Scouting School July 13, 2018 2:00 pm Elm City American Legion, 100 American Legion Way, Elm City, NC 27822. Call for more information, contact your local N.C. Cooperative Extension Agent: Wilson: Norman…


Consumers and Sustainability

An ever growing concern for U.S. consumers is the safety and sustainability of the food that is grown here at home. A recent survey showed that consumers are often unsure about what sustainable practices are being used. When giving a statement about today’s farmers and ranchers being sustainable, only 59% of men and 37% of women agreed.Continue reading…


Considerations for Spring-Applied Nutrients

There are many things to consider when deciding whether to add fertilizer. Many farmers add it in the fall, but it may be time to consider adding it in the spring when nutrients are needed most. Adding fertilizer in the spring can prevent nutrient loss and be more sustainable by reducing the risk of runoff.…


Congratulations Soy Scholarship Winners!

Six undergraduate students in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at North Carolina State University will receive annual soy scholarships sponsored by the North Carolina Soybean Producers Association.  The purpose of the awards is to create academic opportunities for students to do work in soy production, research and marketing. “Training young people to work…


Choosing the Right Words to Tell Your Story

As farmers, we are often asked questions about our farming practices or how food is grown.This information is important to consumers and it’s important to answer their questions, and there’s no one better to answer them than the people who grow the food. As you tell your story, however, remember it’s important to use terms…


Choosing the Right Lime

Many farmers use lime to optimize the pH in their soil, and will be considering liming options based on the results of their soil tests this winter. Soil tests should be analyzed for both soil pH and lime requirement (sometimes reported as buffer pH), in order to tell not only if lime is required, but…
