Essential Food & Agriculture Employee Form

COVID-19 has changed how much of the world operates over the past two weeks. But one thing that has not changed is the considerable workload that farmers face this time of year. Last week, with encouragement from many national grower associations, including the American Soybean Association, the Department of Homeland Security declared agriculture as a…


EPA Public Comment Period for Dicamba

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) solicited public comments on the registration of Monsanto’s new dicamba formulation premixed with glyphosate to use in Monsanto’s Xtend trait systems in soybean and cotton. Although in commercial use for years, the use of dicamba in Monsanto’s Xtend seed trait system requires a new, separate registration. The public comment period is open from Apr.1 – May 31. Public…


EPA Concludes Gylphosate Does Not Cause Cancer

The EPA has made a preliminary finding that glyphosate is unlikely to cause cancer in humans – but the agency isn’t ready to go public yet. The EPA briefly posted to the regulatory docket Monday and then pulled down an October 2015 final report from its Cancer Assessment Review Committee, which is made of up…


Enhancing Effectiveness Through Sprayer Technology

Sprayer technologies, including variable-rate application technologies, sensors and control systems for site-specific crop management, can help farmers improve effectiveness while reducing inputs and costs. THIS ARTICLE FROM USB explores technological advances in spraying technology, how the advances benefit farmers and new technologies on the horizon in a Q&A with Joe Luck, Ph.D., assistant professor of…


Ending Hunger In Our Lifetime?

At the United Nations Third International Conference on Financing for Development, the Food and Agriculture Organization director-general, José Graziano Da Silva, stated that the upcoming generation has the prospect to become the first “Zero Hunger Generation” in history.  While to UN estimates that it will need another $267 billion annually to fight against rural and…


Eliminate Off-Target Auxin Herbicide Injury

With the approval of both the dicamba and 2,4-D tolerant varieties and new formulations of the herbicides, growers are eager to take advantage of these new systems. While having the ability to apply both of these products in POST applications provides a “new” tool in our weed-management toolbox, it’s essential growers use these products with…


Eight Residual-Herbicide Options to Consider After Soybean Emergence

By Amit J. Jhala, extension weed management specialist, Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Early-season weed management is imperative to maximize soybean yield, and for any soybean farmers unable to apply soil residual herbicides before soybean emergence, post-emergence application of residual herbicide can be a part of the solution. Given that most soybeans


Early Season Scouting

Scouting is critical to helping make management decisions that will ultimately increase profitability. Early rounds of scouting should look for emergence, stand and uniformity, early seedling diseases and weeds. Scouting  often is essential to catching early season problems. EMERGENCE, STAND, UNIFORMITY Soon after soybeans emerge the first task is to scout for emergence, stand and…


Early Season Scouting

Scouting is critical to helping make management decisions that will ultimately increase profitability. Early rounds of scouting should look for emergence, stand and uniformity, early seedling diseases and weeds. Scouting often is essential to catching early season problems. We’ve been lucky to have pretty good planting weather thus far this season and for many NC…


Early Season Scouting

Scouting is critical to helping make management decisions that will ultimately increase profitability. Early rounds of scouting should look for emergence, stand and uniformity, early seedling diseases and weeds. Scouting early and scouting often are essential to catching early season problems. Emergence, Stand, Uniformity Soon after soybeans emerge the first task is to scout for…
