Start Thinking About Variety Selection Now

  Proper variety selection is one of the first steps in producing a high-yielding crop. Each variety has specific strengths and weaknesses that make it more or less suited for a given environment. Maturity group, yield potential, disease tolerance, and herbicide technology are all important to consider when selecting a variety.       Potential…


Stem Canker

Stem canker is a fungal disease that occurs sporadically from year to year in North Carolina. Infection is dependent on favorable weather conditions, specifically prolonged wet weather early in the season. Stem canker is caused by fungi in the genus Diaporthe. Infection by the fungus occurs early in the season, during the early vegetative stages…


Steps to Store Grain Safely

On-farm grain storage can be a valuable asset to farmers, allowing them to weather market fluctuations and sell grain when market conditions are right. However, the capacity for storage also creates the need to ensure that up to a full year of grain and the resulting income is stored safely and yields are protected. THIS…


Steps to Take Now for a Profitable 2017

With planting season upon us, it’s time to make sure steps are in place for profitability in 2017. Some considerations are data analysis, adding and testing technology, weed management, fertilizer application and reviewing revenue and expenses. Read THIS ARTICLE from USB for more.  


Steps to Take Now for a Successful 2017

Now that harvest is coming to a close, preparation for next season begins. The off season is a great time to take steps now to improve crops for next year. THIS ARTICLE from USB provides seven post harvest tasks to be better prepared for spring planting, including soil sampling, updating your nutrient management plan, taking…


Strickland Appointed to United Soybean Board

Reginald Strickland of Mt. Olive, NC has been appointed to the United Soybean Board by the Secretary of Agriculture, Sonny Perdue. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced the appointment, along with 42 other grower appointments, earlier this week. Strickland will be serving his first three-year term.   “It is a privilege to be representing…


Summer Field Days are A Success

Two of the state’s largest field days, the Northeast Ag Expo and the Blackland Farm Managers Tour, were held over the last few weeks and both were great successes. The Northeast Ag Expo was held on July 26 and drew several hundred farmers to NC Spuds/Perdue Farms in Elizabeth City. The NCSPA was a major sponsor…


Summer Outreach Activities

The North Carolina Soybean Producers Association has conducted numerous community outreach events this summer, reaching almost a thousand children at our regular Meet the Farmer event at Marbles Kids Museum, four agritourism farms around the state and multiple summer camps, mostly through extension offices. Laura Rogers, the association’s Community Outreach Coordinator has traveled to over…


Sustainability Guide

Sustainable farming has become a common point of discussion over recent years and is important to consumers. Farmers often implement many sustainable practices on their farms without even realizing they are sustainable. In fact, farmers were probably among the first practitioners of sustainability because it’s critical to healthy and profitable farming operations. Want to be…


Sustainable State of Mind

      North Carolina farmers know how important it is to take care of protecting both land and water resources. We’re proud of all that our growers do to ensure they are producing soybeans in a sustainable manner. In addition to working hard each day to take care of the land, it’s also important…


Synthetic Auxin Fact Sheet

Need more information on best management practices for the use of synthetic auxin herbicides? CLICK HERE for USB’s newly updated Synthetic Auxin Fact Sheet. For additional resources on synthetic auxin stewardship, click on the names of products below: 2,4-D Enlist™ Weed Control System Dicamba Engenia® Herbicide FeXapan™ Herbicide Plus VaporGrip® Technology XtendiMax® Herbicide with VaporGrip®…
