Two Board Members Recognized for Service

Two North Carolina Soybean Association board members were recognized at the NC Commodities Conference on Jan. 9, 2019 for meritorious service to the soybean farmers of North Carolina. John Fleming, of Halifax County, received the President’s Award, and Boerema, of Hyde County, received the Dr. Jim Dunphy Soybean Industry Award. Fleming (pictured at left receiving…


Two NC Soybean Farmers Awarded for Service

During the NC Commodities Conference, two NC soybean growers were awarded for their service and dedication to the association and the industry throughout their board tenure. Jacob Parker was awarded the third annual Dr. Jim Dunphy Industry Award after serving on the NC Soybean Producer’s Association board for over 20 years. Starting as a state…


U.S. Soy Farmers & Sustainability

Many farmers don’t realize it, but they were sustainable long before people started paying attention to it the way they do today. From crop rotation and tillage to water management and nutrient management, here are just a few facts about how sustainable U.S. soy farmers really are:  


Update Regarding Court Ruling on Dicamba

On June 3 the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth District issued a ruling vacating U.S. registrations of three dicamba herbicides (XtendiMax, Engenia, FeXapan). This ruling has left much confusion across the industry and producers have heard many different things from various sources about the sale and use of these products. We hope to…


UPDATED: Processor Damage Thresholds

Due to accumulated damage on soybean, many growers are concerned about discounting and possible rejection at the point of sale. Cargill is currently accepting soybeans at the Fayetteville location with low damage of 5% or less. Cargill’s location at Selma in Johnston Co. is now open and is accepting beans with damage of 30% or…


Urgent: Ask Congress to Renew Tax Incentive

The National Biodiesel Board (NBB) is urging Congress to act before the end of this year and provide a multiyear extension of the expired biodiesel and renewable diesel tax incentive. NBB is respectfully asking Congress, at a minimum, to extend the tax incentive for 2018 and 2019. Congress must approve remaining appropriations bills or a…


USDA $16 Billion In Direct Payments

This week, Secretary of Agriculture, Sonny Perdue released the details regarding the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFPA). This program is the $16 billion COVID-19 relief package for agriculture administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The application period for assistance will begin May 26th through your local Farm Service Agency (FSA) office until August 28th.…


USDA Announces WHIP+

The U.S. Department of Agriculture announced this week that producers who have been affected by 2018 & 2019 natural disasters will now be able to apply for assistance through the Wildfire and Hurricane Indemnity Program Plus (WHIP+). The program’s creation was authorized by the Supplemental Relief Act of 2019 passed by Congress and signed by…
