Not Too Far Out

At the North Carolina Agriculture & Biotechnology Summit on November 18-19, thought-provoking speakers explored the intersection of science, politics and economic development in the biotechnology industry. There was a healthy component of farmer participation on the podium, but unfortunately not enough farmers were able to attend to push the coffee break discussions towards addressing the…


Could Weather Affect Your Soybean Quality?

Three weather events that could increase or decrease oil and protein content in your soybeans this year Many factors help determine soybean protein and oil content – even the weather. Selecting soybean varieties with increased oil and protein content is important to meeting the demands of today’s customers. Soybeans with higher levels of those quality


Eight Residual-Herbicide Options to Consider After Soybean Emergence

By Amit J. Jhala, extension weed management specialist, Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Early-season weed management is imperative to maximize soybean yield, and for any soybean farmers unable to apply soil residual herbicides before soybean emergence, post-emergence application of residual herbicide can be a part of the solution. Given that most soybeans


Farm Family Tracks Soybean Yield Growth Through Five Decades

It’s not often that three generations agree on what the future holds, but that’s exactly what happened when the owners of Meyer Farms recently discussed where they think soybean yield is headed. The Meyer family farms approximately 1,300 acres of soybeans near Carlisle, Ill. All three farmers in the family – George Meyer; his son,


Trials Underway on New Soybean-Hull-Based Plastic

After Ohio soybean farmer Keith Roberts unloads his soybeans at the elevator, he often reflects on where they will be going next. “Ohio soybeans offer an abundant and renewable supply of ingredients for food and livestock feed,” says Roberts, chair of the Ohio Soybean Council’s (OSC’s) New Uses Committee. “In addition, soybeans make it possible


Warning: This Label Could Affect Your Bottom Line

Research Shows How Much GMO Labeling Could Affect Soybean Farmers Mandatory labeling for food made with genetically modified organisms (GMOs) is a hot topic that pushes farmers’ — and consumers’ — buttons. With the federal government and several states considering, and in some cases passing, legislation requiring mandatory GMO labeling, the national soy checkoff commissioned


Free Checkoff Tool Shows How Soybean Quality Grows Value

Three Steps to Finding Soybean Varieties that Are Worth More As you watch your soybean crop mature and start estimating yields, you might also start thinking about which varieties you’ll plant next year. While you look through mounds of material about endless soybean varieties and how they’ll perform in your field, remember to also check


Export Terminals Improving to Keep Up with Export Demand

Soy Transportation Coalition sees improvements in Pacific Northwest infrastructure Twenty-five percent of all U.S. soybeans are exported through Pacific Northwest ports; a majority of these beans eventually make their way to China. And with China’s seemingly insatiable appetite for soy continuing to increase, these ports are staying on the cutting edge of technology to make
