This week the N.C. Association for Soil and Water Conservation is hosting a national hands-on environmental problem-solving competition for high school students, and the NCSPA and USB are proud sponsors! 300 students from over 30 states, Canada and China are participating in the event, which is being held on the campus of N.C. State University from July 28-Aug. 2, 2019.
As sponsors of the event, the NCSPA will receive exposure through signage at the event, in the program, on t-shirts and via presentations at the venue, as well as through social media and other promotions for the event. The NCSPA also was able to exhibit at the event on Sunday, and enjoyed talking to the kids about soybeans and sustainable agriculture. Of course, North Carolina soybean farmers use a host of sustainable practices on their farms every day, such as no- or reduced-tillage, cover crops, water and soil management, using precision agriculture to reduce the amount of inputs required, and more.
Given that farmers value the land they farm more than anyone, and their livelihoods are dependent upon taking care of and conserving it and other resources on their farms, it is only fitting the NCSPA sponsored a competition dedicated to exposing motivated high school students to the issues of conservation. The theme of this year’s competition is “Agriculture and the Environment: Knowledge and Technology to Feed the World,” which addresses some of the most pressing challenges of our industry. We look forward to seeing the ideas these bright young people have and are proud to be involved with a competition that promotes consideration of these issues.
NCSPA also extends a special thanks to the United Soybean Board for supporting us in our sponsorship of this important event.