Enhancing Effectiveness Through Sprayer Technology

Sprayer technologies, including variable-rate application technologies, sensors and control systems for site-specific crop management, can help farmers improve effectiveness while reducing inputs and costs. THIS ARTICLE FROM USB explores technological advances in spraying technology, how the advances benefit farmers and new technologies on the horizon in a Q&A with Joe Luck, Ph.D., assistant professor of…


EPA Concludes Gylphosate Does Not Cause Cancer

The EPA has made a preliminary finding that glyphosate is unlikely to cause cancer in humans – but the agency isn’t ready to go public yet. The EPA briefly posted to the regulatory docket Monday and then pulled down an October 2015 final report from its Cancer Assessment Review Committee, which is made of up…


EPA Public Comment Period for Dicamba

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) solicited public comments on the registration of Monsanto’s new dicamba formulation premixed with glyphosate to use in Monsanto’s Xtend trait systems in soybean and cotton. Although in commercial use for years, the use of dicamba in Monsanto’s Xtend seed trait system requires a new, separate registration. The public comment period is open from Apr.1 – May 31. Public…


Essential Food & Agriculture Employee Form

COVID-19 has changed how much of the world operates over the past two weeks. But one thing that has not changed is the considerable workload that farmers face this time of year. Last week, with encouragement from many national grower associations, including the American Soybean Association, the Department of Homeland Security declared agriculture as a…


Estimating Soybean Yields

As the end of the season draws near we’ve gotten some questions about estimating soybean yields. For some, this is because their crop looks good and they are excited to see what their yields may be, while for others this is because they are prepping themselves for disappointment, as weeks of dry weather have taken…


Evaluating Plant Stands

We’re excited #plant18 is finally well underway in North Carolina. April was cooler and wetter than normal, but things have dried out in May, meaning many of you are in the tractor seat planting as hard as you can go. NCDA is reporting that about 25% of the soybean crop is already in the ground.…


Evaluating Production Practices on Your Farm

Continuing to improve soybean yields and increase profits requires constant research to fine-tune production systems. This includes research at our traditional levels like university, industry and consultant partners but it also includes research with innovative growers. One of the best ways for you to determine if a new product or practice is right for your operation…


Export Terminals Improving to Keep Up with Export Demand

Soy Transportation Coalition sees improvements in Pacific Northwest infrastructure Twenty-five percent of all U.S. soybeans are exported through Pacific Northwest ports; a majority of these beans eventually make their way to China. And with China’s seemingly insatiable appetite for soy continuing to increase, these ports are staying on the cutting edge of technology to make


Extension Variety Trials to Include Soybeans in 2016

The Extension variety trials in the Blacklands counties of Beaufort, Hyde, Tyrrell and Washington will include soybeans this year.  According to Beaufort County Extension Director Rod Gurganus, agents will plant two or three replicated, small-plot trials in the region.  Seed companies are invited to enter up to two varieties per maturity group.  Entries can be…


Factors That Have the Biggest Impact on Yield

At this time of the year, farmers have their eye on yield monitors, and there will undoubtedly be some parts of fields that have higher yields than others. Why is this, what factors can lead to the greatest yield loss and what strategies can farmers use for the greatest return on investment? The High-Yield project…
