2016 Yields – Statewide & Contest Winners

Although 2016 brought some rough weather to many parts of the state, with extreme drought in much of the Piedmont and hurricanes and flooding in the east, some impressive yields still showed up. Based on the latest NCDA statistics, the statewide average yield was 35 bushels/acre, up from 32 bushels/acre last year. And although acreage…


Annual Commodities Conference This Week

Don’t miss the 2017 NC Commodities Conference, this week, Jan. 11-13, 2017, at the Sheraton Imperial Hotel and Conference Center in Durham, N.C. It is the joint meeting of the soybean, corn, cotton, and small grains associations. The conference will include keynote speakers, Dr. Kevin Folta, a noted biotech communicator and proponent of GMO’s, and…


Mandatory Grower Training on Auxin Herbicide Use

The dicamba formulations XtendiMax (Monsanto) and Engenia (BASF) both recently received federal registration for use on Xtend cotton and soybeans. It is also likely that Enlist Duo (2,4-D formulation-Dow) will receive approval in the very near future for use on Enlist cotton and soybeans. These products in combination with their auxin-resistant varieties provide growers with…


PhiloSOYphy Website Busts Soy Myths

In today’s world, myths about agriculture are plentiful. Soy Connection produced videos to bust common soy myths and address health professionals’ top concerns surrounding soy, including risk of breast cancer, feminization in men and genetically engineered crops. The videos, which feature USB Sustainability Target Area Coordinator Nancy Kavazanjian (Wisconsin) and soy health expert Mark Messina,…


Using Data to Find the Best Varieties

Farmers know that data technology can help them understand and respond to the needs of their fields, whether it be through soil moisture censors, yield monitors or aerial imagery. Data can also help with seed selection. Recently the winner of Asgrow’s 2015 yield contest in Illinois, Aaron Niebrugge, answered questions about how he utilizes data…


Start Thinking About Variety Selection Now

  Proper variety selection is one of the first steps in producing a high-yielding crop. Each variety has specific strengths and weaknesses that make it more or less suited for a given environment. Maturity group, yield potential, disease tolerance, and herbicide technology are all important to consider when selecting a variety.       Potential…


Know How to Use Your Soil Test Results

Collecting soil samples is just the first step in a nutrient management plan. The results from those samples need to be reviewed and decisions made about what types of fertilizers should be added. While the soil test report can look overwhelming at first, the NCDA actually does a pretty good job of presenting results and…


Steps to Take Now for a Successful 2017

Now that harvest is coming to a close, preparation for next season begins. The off season is a great time to take steps now to improve crops for next year. THIS ARTICLE from USB provides seven post harvest tasks to be better prepared for spring planting, including soil sampling, updating your nutrient management plan, taking…


Wrapping Up 2016

With over 80% of North Carolina soybeans out of the field, the 2016 season is officially winding down. 2016 was a tough year for many with extensive drought in the west, and drought followed by flooding in the east. Thankfully, it sounds like statewide yields aren’t as bad as originally thought. NCDA’s November estimate has…
