Seeing Lots of Friends at Northeast Ag Expo

The 2016 Northeast Ag Expo ( on July 28 at the Lynn Hobbs farm in Hobbesville was a great event for learning and for seeing lots of our friends.  Thanks to the staff from the five counties for a thoughtful agenda and for finding such a well-tended location. Just to name a few of the…


September 15 Soybean Rust Update

From Jim Dunphy, Crop Science Extension Specialist (Soybeans) and Lindsey Thiessen, Extension Plant Pathologist Asiatic Soybean Rust has been confirmed on soybeans in Bamberg County, SC, which is a little closer to some of our NC soybeans than had previously been confirmed.  This find is approximately  140 miles from Charlotte, 345 miles from Elizabeth City, 175 miles…


September 22 Soybean Rust Update

  From Jim Dunphy, Crop Science Extension Specialist (Soybeans) and Lindsey Thiessen, Extension Plant Pathologist Although Asiatic Soybean Rust may be moving up the Mississippi River valley pretty rapidly, it seems to be moving more slowly up the east coast.  This week, rust was confirmed in Arkansas County, AR, Caldwell County, KY, and Williamson County, IL,…


Setting the Stage For Success Next Year

2018 has been a challenging year for many North Carolina soybean producers and many are still harvesting, but as the season comes to a close it is never too early to start to think about putting practices in place to increase yields in 2019. Farmers should consider the following for their management plan as they…


Should you be Tissue Sampling?

If you heard Randy Dowdy at the Annual NC Commodities Conference this year then you probably heard him say: “Don’t HOPE what’s going on, KNOW what’s going on.” Do you know what’s going on in your soybean plants each year? Do your soils have adequate fertility and more importantly are the plants able to access…


Show Your Support for Ag at NC Ag Awareness Day

Make plans now to join Agriculture Commissioner Troxler, the N.C. Farm Bureau, commodity groups and more to bring awareness to the legislature about the importance of agriculture in North Carolina at Ag Awareness Day. The schedule for the day is: 9:00 a.m.: Shuttle buses run from the Exposition building at the N.C. State Fairgrounds to…


Soil Test to Keep SCN Out of Your Fields

SCN causes U.S. soybean farmers $1 billion in losses each year, so it’s a good idea to take steps to protect yourself from the threat. Before planting begins is a great time to test your soil to see if you have SCN and have time to react before it becomes a problem. Farmers should also…


Sonny Perdue Visits NC

U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue was in North Carolina last week and representatives from the North Carolina Soybean Producers Association had the opportunity to attend two listening sessions with him. The visit was part of a multi-state listening tour focused on important agriculture and rural improvement issues. The first session was a panel at…


Soy Biobased Fluid Powers Olympic Village

Did you spot the use of soy while watching the Olympics? The 17 days of competition took place in host city Rio de Janeiro, where the three electrical transformers powering the games were built with Cargill’s Envirotemp® FR3® natural ester fluid, which is soybean-oil based. Power utility company Light, which already uses FR3® in its…
