NCSPA 54th Annual Meeting

The 54th Annual Meeting of the North Carolina Soybean Producers Association will be held on January 15, 2021, at 10:00 am. The meeting will be located at the Renaissance Raleigh North Hills hotel and members of the NCSPA are invited to attend. 

You 1st, Farmer 2nd

2020 has been a year in the books for most people, but for farmers, it was another year of added stress and challenges. Compile that with the mounting stress of the Holiday season, the NCSPA feels that is important to stop and shed light on the topic of mental health in the agriculture industry. While…


2021 NC Commodities Conference Canceled

After careful consideration and discussion, the four organizing commodity boards have made the difficult decision to cancel the 2021 N.C. Commodities Conference scheduled for January 14th-15th. The conference has been rescheduled to 2022 at the Sheraton Imperial RTP where we look forward to recommencing the event with good health and renewed enthusiasm. Please continue to…


CFAP Round 2

Last week, Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue, announced a second round of the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP 2) that will provide an additional $14 billion to producers who have seen increased marketing costs associated with the COIVD-19 pandemic. CFAP 2 includes support for commodities that were left out of the first program, which is…


A Way to Improve Crop Yield and Feed People

The NC Cooperative Extension Service continues to cite crop damage from deer as one of the biggest challenges soybean producers face and North Carolina Hunters for the Hungry, Inc. (NCHFH), a 501(c)3 non-profit serving North Carolinians since 1993, can help. The NC Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) estimates that deer numbers exceed 1 million statewide with…


Update Regarding Court Ruling on Dicamba

On June 3 the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth District issued a ruling vacating U.S. registrations of three dicamba herbicides (XtendiMax, Engenia, FeXapan). This ruling has left much confusion across the industry and producers have heard many different things from various sources about the sale and use of these products. We hope to…
