As farmers gear up for planting season, North Carolina Soybean Producers Association researchers are too. Each year, the NCSPA sponsors research projects throughout the state to gain valuable information to share with growers. Hopefully that information will help N.C. soybean growers make better decisions on how to manage their crops.
Over 30 research projects and demonstrations will be conducted by N.C. State University researchers, private crop consultants, and county extension agents and funded by the soy checkoff. Topics include variety selection, nutrient management, soil health, cover crop practices, weed management and disease resistance.
The map below indicates the counties where projects are being conducted. Many of these locations include demonstrations specifically for growers, and the NCSPA encourages visits to these research project locations. Contact a local extension agent or the NCSPA office to find the locations of local demonstration sites. In some areas there will also be local field days so stay tuned for information about field days from agents. #plant16