NCSPA Sponsors Touch-A-Tractor

The NCSPA worked with North Hills shopping center in Raleigh again this year to hold the Touch-A-Tractor event on August 1. The event, for children and their parents, provided the opportunity to learn about soybeans and farming, meet soybean farmers and sit on a tractor. According to Rewarded Play reviews, the association hosted many activities,…


NCSPA Sponsors North Carolina Soybean Festival

The North Carolina Soybean Producers Association was a sponsor of the North Carolina Soybean Festival in Elizabeth City, N.C. on Jan. 26, 2016. The association exhibited at the event and participated in an awards dinner at which yield contest and commodity association board members were recognized, and the festival’s poster contest winners were announced. Before…


NCSPA Sponsors N.C. A&T Small Farms Week

N.C. Aricultural and Technical State University is holding its 33rd annual Small Farms Week this week to pay tribute to the importance of small farms to agriculture in the state, and the NCSPA is a sponsor. The event began Mar. 25 in Duplin Co. with a panel discussion of master farmers and local farm tours.…


NCSPA Participates In Successful Trade Mission Trip To China

N.C. Soybean Association directors Michael McPherson and Reggie Strickland, association member Brett Medlin, CEO Charles Hall and representatives from M-B Grain, participated in the N.C. Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services trade mission to China from Apr. 10-18. The mission was productive, with some significant relationships developed with grain buyers there, and many potential opportunities…


NCSPA In the Community

The North Carolina Soybean Producers Association has been busy this spring promoting soybeans, educating both adults and children alike about soy nutrition and soy products and exposing them to modern agriculture at a variety of events. There have been 56 programs in schools since the fall and some of the highlights of recent events are…


NCSPA Holds November Board Meeting

The NCSPA board of directors held their fall board meeting on Nov. 12-13, 2015. Business included an updates on the N.C. State University College of Agriculture and Life Science Crop Science Department, communications and outreach activities of the association, resources development and advocacy. The board also discussed the new strategic direction of NCSPA research projects…


NCSPA Has a New Logo

The N.C. Soybean Producers Association has developed a new logo to replace the trifoliate leaf logo that has been in place for many years. The logo debuted last Sat., Sept. 9 at the Ag Day at the N.C. State vs. Marshall football game, and members will see it shortly in their mailbox, as there is…
