Resources By Season

USB offers many helpful resources for farmers throughout the soybean growing season from planting to scouting to harvest, even for the off-season and everything in between. Check out the Seasonal Resources Page HERE to access the information.

Resources for Farmers

USB has compiled a terrific list of resources for farmers, including checkoff-related resources, sites from the agricultural industry and sites from the soy industry. CLICK HERE for a helpful list at your fingertips.


Responding to Soil Test Results

Recent articles in this blog have focused on the importance of soil testing in overall farm management practices, but how farmers respond to the nutrient deficiencies and imbalanced pH will make the difference in achieving yield goals. Click here to learn more about addressing pH and macronutrient concerns.

Rural Broadband Access Survey

Let decision makers and internet service providers know how much rural American needs reliable, high-speed internet access. For many in rural America, reliable broadband internet access is becoming more important on the farm as new technologies are embraced. However, internet access in rural America often lags behind that of urban centers. How well connected is your…


Safety Tips for Harvest

Farm safety is always important to keep top of mind, but harvest time poses its own risks. As you’re harvesting beans this year, click the link to the article below for helpful safety reminders, including a short video and information on respiratory safety, how to avoid grain bin entrapment, grain loading technique and more.


Scott Brothers Continuing the Family Tradition

[columns] [one_half] Brothers Frank and Wyatt Scott are recent recipients of the North Carolina Soybean Producers Association’s Annual Soy Scholarship and a part of the May 2016 graduating class from North Carolina State University. Both the scholarship and the CALS program helped them accomplish their after graduation goals,carrying on the 200 year old family tradition. This video…


See For Yourself Program Applications Due 4/1

Are you interested in learning more about the soy checkoff and what is funded with the investments made by soy growers? United Soybean Board’s See For Yourself program is a great way to experience firsthand what the checkoff does, and get more information about customers for soy beyond the elevator and marketing soy. This year’s…


Seeing Lots of Friends at Northeast Ag Expo

The 2016 Northeast Ag Expo ( on July 28 at the Lynn Hobbs farm in Hobbesville was a great event for learning and for seeing lots of our friends.  Thanks to the staff from the five counties for a thoughtful agenda and for finding such a well-tended location. Just to name a few of the…


September 15 Soybean Rust Update

From Jim Dunphy, Crop Science Extension Specialist (Soybeans) and Lindsey Thiessen, Extension Plant Pathologist Asiatic Soybean Rust has been confirmed on soybeans in Bamberg County, SC, which is a little closer to some of our NC soybeans than had previously been confirmed.  This find is approximately  140 miles from Charlotte, 345 miles from Elizabeth City, 175 miles…


September 22 Soybean Rust Update

  From Jim Dunphy, Crop Science Extension Specialist (Soybeans) and Lindsey Thiessen, Extension Plant Pathologist Although Asiatic Soybean Rust may be moving up the Mississippi River valley pretty rapidly, it seems to be moving more slowly up the east coast.  This week, rust was confirmed in Arkansas County, AR, Caldwell County, KY, and Williamson County, IL,…
