Investing in the Future of the Agriculture Industry

The North Carolina Soybean Producers Association is dedicated to investing in research projects that help farmers increase both their productivity and profitability and over the last few years the Association has funded a number of exciting projects to get growers thinking about the crop a little differently. Some of those projects include investigating maturity group…


Is a Data Management System Right for You?

Farmers have to track, analyze and respond to an incredible amount of data to make the best decisions for their farms. Data management systems can help make sense of it all, although getting started and understanding which system is right can be daunting. USB is publishing a four-part series that will explore how to decide…


Is Uniform Emergence Important in Soybeans

Planting season is a big deal for farmers. The decisions made here will determine the ultimate potential yield of your crop. As Dr. Heiniger says, “Planting day is the most important day of your season. It’s your super bowl. It’s the day you want to perform your best.”. And for a few years now Dr.…


It’s PEST Week

USB’s Take Action program is hosting PEST Week (or Pest Elimination Strategy & Tactics Week) from June 15-July 1. The week is focused on best management strategies and raising awareness of the looming threat of pesticide resistance. Several PEST Week resources and social media graphics to share are available for download here. Activities for PEST Week…


Join the NCSPA at the Durham Bulls

Make plans now to join the NCSPA at the Durham Bulls’ agriculture-themed night State Fair Night on June 2. The Association is sponsoring the game to help consumers understand more about what farmers do every day, educate them about its importance in North Carolina and talk to them about soybeans. The NCSPA will have a…


Join Us for the 27th Annual Commodities Conference

The NC Commodities Conference will begin this Wed., Jan. 13 and continue through Fri, Jan. 15, 2016 at the Sheraton Imperial Hotel in Durham, NC.  It is the joint meeting of the Small Grains, Corn, Cotton, and Soybean Associations and will include vendor trade shows, commodity market outlook information, commodity extension specialist presentations, annual yield…


Keep Dicamba Drift From Becoming a Problem

A number of dicamba drift situations, primarily tobacco and soybean, have been observed in recent days.  Crop sensitivity to dicamba varies, but all broadleaf crops are sensitive.  Tobacco, soybeans, other beans and peas, sweetpotato, and grapes are extremely sensitive.  Cotton, peanuts, and vegetable crops, including peppers, tomato, watermelon, cucumber, cantaloupe, and squash, are somewhat less…
