Long Awaited Federal Disaster Aid & 2019 NC Farm Act

$19.1 Billion Approved for Federal Disaster Aid President Trump signed the $19.1 billion federal disaster bill after the House of Representatives was finally able to pass it through (354-58) this week. The bill failed three times in the past several weeks while the House was not in session (the House majority was looking for a unanimous vote). The approval of the…


Long-Awaited Trade News for Ag Community

This week the agriculture community had two major victories in trade with the signing of the China Phase 1 deal and Congress’ passing of USMCA. The House of Representatives passed USMCA 385-41 in December before they left for recess after over a year of back and forth negotiations. The Senate was able to take up…


Management Practices to Combat Resistant Weeds

Herbicide resistance is a real and growing threat, but there are steps every farmer can take to help combat the problem. A plan to battle herbicide-resistant weeds should be put in place from pre-planting through harvest, taking steps to eliminate weeds along the way. And, dealing with these weeds involves more than herbicides. Solutions such…


Managing Early Maturing Soybeans

Based on the shortage of VI and VII seed this year, some growers may find themselves planting an earlier maturing variety than they are accustomed to. This may seem scary but really, managing these earlier varieties isn’t that different from managing late maturing varieties. Here are a few things to know about managing early varieties.…


Managing Early Maturing Soybeans in NC

Growers across North Carolina are becoming increasingly interested in producing earlier maturing soybean varieties (III and IV). These soybean maturity groups typically have an indeterminate growth habit, which allows simultaneous vegetative and reproductive growth over several weeks which is different than the determinate growth habit of most of the soybeans we produce in North Carolina…


Managing Flood Damaged Soybeans

As flood waters recede across eastern North Carolina, disaster assessment begins. For soybean farmers one of the first things is to attempt to estimate crop damage. Unfortunately, this can be a difficult task. The extent of damage is dependent on a number of factors including plant growth stage, depth of flood waters, days of flooding,…


Managing Weeds with Dicamba

Dicamba is in the headlines now, with new herbicide-tolerant traits coming to market and recent approvals for over-the-top application. And rightly so because it offers soil residual activity with over 14 days of small-seeded broadleaf weeds, control of weeds that have developed resistance to other modes of action and extended flexibility in application timing in…


Mandatory Auxin Training – 2018

You are undoubtedly aware of the issues with dicamba off-target deposition across the country last year.  Because of those issues, the EPA recently revised labels for dicamba products registered for application to Xtend soybean and XtendFlex cotton.  One of many new requirements is mandatory training for all applicators prior to use in 2018 (even if…


Mandatory Grower Training on Auxin Herbicide Use

The dicamba formulations XtendiMax (Monsanto) and Engenia (BASF) both recently received federal registration for use on Xtend cotton and soybeans. It is also likely that Enlist Duo (2,4-D formulation-Dow) will receive approval in the very near future for use on Enlist cotton and soybeans. These products in combination with their auxin-resistant varieties provide growers with…
