Enhancing Effectiveness Through Sprayer Technology

Sprayer technologies, including variable-rate application technologies, sensors and control systems for site-specific crop management, can help farmers improve effectiveness while reducing inputs and costs. THIS ARTICLE FROM USB explores technological advances in spraying technology, how the advances benefit farmers and new technologies on the horizon in a Q&A with Joe Luck, Ph.D., assistant professor of…


Checkoff Builds Demand for Soy

U.S. soy has grown significantly since the formation of the checkoff in 1991. The value of the U.S. crop has grown from $11 billion then to almost quadruple that in 2014 at $40 billion. The increase has been fueled by an increase in demand, due in part to the efforts of the checkoff to create…


Scouting for Disease

With over 50% of the North Carolina soybean crop now in reproductive stages, it’s time to begin thinking about how disease pressure may affect the yield of your crop. Scouting is critical to determine which diseases are present and if a fungicide application may be helpful in protecting yield. A number of diseases are common…


Hundreds Attend Blackland Farm Managers Tour

Hundreds of farmers congregated at Middle Creek Farms in Engelhard for the annual Black Land Farm Managers Association Tour.  Despite a heavy rainfall the night before, farm owner Dawson Pugh had the vast demonstration plot area in great condition.  Dr. Jim Dunphy has the “Cadillac” max yield trial on this site, and Dr. Dunphy presented…


The Benefits of Spray Technology

It’s more important than ever to make sure that any pesticides or herbicides a farmer sprays are accurate and as sustainable as possible, not to mention that their application is one that makes sense financially. Innovations in spray technology can help with this by allowing farmers to apply the resources more precisely, and as a…


Seeing Lots of Friends at Northeast Ag Expo

The 2016 Northeast Ag Expo (ncneagexpo.com) on July 28 at the Lynn Hobbs farm in Hobbesville was a great event for learning and for seeing lots of our friends.  Thanks to the staff from the five counties for a thoughtful agenda and for finding such a well-tended location. Just to name a few of the…


Soybean Rust Update 2016

From the office of Jim Dunphy, Crop Science Extension Specialist (Soybeans) and Lindsey Thiessen, Extension Plant Pathologist Asiatic Soybean Rust has been confirmed in Tift County, Georgia, earlier today, on soybeans in a Sentinel plot.  This is the first find of rust on soybeans in Georgia this year, and is approximately 260 miles from Murphy, NC,…


2017 Double-Crop Insurance Changes

Effective in 2017: The following change from USDA Risk Management Agency has been made regarding the double-crop indemnity provisions in crop insurance. For more information and the full website with FAQs visit the link here: http://www.rma.usda.gov/help/faq/doublecropping.html Frequently Asked Questions Double Cropping Revision and Practical to Replant Jun 22, 2016 Q: What is double cropping? A: Planting and harvesting two or…


Foliar Fertilizers: Are They a Sound Investment? – Part I

Growers are constantly being hit with information from products that advertise their ability to increase yield, specifically, foliar N, P, K, and micronutrient fertilizers. Is in-season fertilization needed for “catch-up” in a soybean crop and are these products consistently a sound investment for an operation? Research from groups across the United States over the last…


Scott Brothers Continuing the Family Tradition

[columns] [one_half] Brothers Frank and Wyatt Scott are recent recipients of the North Carolina Soybean Producers Association’s Annual Soy Scholarship and a part of the May 2016 graduating class from North Carolina State University. Both the scholarship and the CALS program helped them accomplish their after graduation goals,carrying on the 200 year old family tradition. This video…
