Foliar Yield Enhancements

One question we get often is about products that claim to improve soybean yields and profits. NC soybean farmers are presented with a variety of products that claim to boost their yields and the NC Soybean Producers Association has worked with NCSU Extension to evaluate these products over the last 6 years. The goal of…


Long Awaited Federal Disaster Aid & 2019 NC Farm Act

$19.1 Billion Approved for Federal Disaster Aid President Trump signed the $19.1 billion federal disaster bill after the House of Representatives was finally able to pass it through (354-58) this week. The bill failed three times in the past several weeks while the House was not in session (the House majority was looking for a unanimous vote). The approval of the…


The Seven Year Cycle of Herbicide Resistance

The problem with herbicide resistant weeds continues to grow, but replacing one herbicide chemistry with the next won’t win the resistance battle, says Bob Scott, weed specialist with University of Arkansas Extension. For many years, farmers have used various chemical control products for weed management, but over time weeds have developed resistance to the products.…


Non-Foliar Yield Enhancements

Last week we tackled foliar yield enhancements so this week we’re changing gears just slightly and tackling non-foliar yield products. Various non-foliar yield enhancement products are available to North Carolina soybean producers. Profit margins are currently narrow for soybeans and much thought should go into the potential yield advantages and associated costs from the use…


Early Season Scouting

Scouting is critical to helping make management decisions that will ultimately increase profitability. Early rounds of scouting should look for emergence, stand and uniformity, early seedling diseases and weeds. Scouting often is essential to catching early season problems. We’ve been lucky to have pretty good planting weather thus far this season and for many NC…


Synthetic Auxin Fact Sheet

Need more information on best management practices for the use of synthetic auxin herbicides? CLICK HERE for USB’s newly updated Synthetic Auxin Fact Sheet. For additional resources on synthetic auxin stewardship, click on the names of products below: 2,4-D Enlist™ Weed Control System Dicamba Engenia® Herbicide FeXapan™ Herbicide Plus VaporGrip® Technology XtendiMax® Herbicide with VaporGrip®…


Healthy farms as a buffer to sprawl; an emotional appeal to modern consumers

For many years, the agricultural sector has tried to connect with its customer base by highlighting the ways in which scientific advancements and improved farming practices with the use of new technology like steam generator and energy-efficient emergency boilers, as well as conveyor systems from companies like have contributed to a global food supply…


Pest Week is Here

USB’s Take Action program is hosting PEST Week (or Pest Elimination Strategy & Tactics Week) this week, July 15-21. The focus is promoting on best management strategies and raising awareness of the looming threat of pesticide resistance. Make sure to follow on Twitter at @TakeActionWeeds or on Facebook during #PESTweek and turn your pest practices…
