The Future of Drone Technology

Drones are very useful, especially for data gathering. They can capture real-time data, can cover areas not feasible with ground methods and capture data not available through remote-sensing methods. It is possible to fly a drone in the morning and get data to evaluate issues to be addressed in the afternoon, limiting down time for…


The Latest in Soy Technology

Technology has a major impact on how most soybean growers do their jobs these days, whether it be GPS to the using data to apply resources precisely and beyond. And if one thing is certain about technology, it changes rapidly, with the the opportunity for new applications increasing all the time. READ THIS ARTICLE for…


The Perks of Planting Cover Crops

Cover crops provide numerous benefits for the soil, including reduced erosion, improved ability to hold water and greater organic matter. Some soybean farmers still aren’t sure whether they’ll return the investment, but there are a growing number of farmers who agree they pay for themselves in a variety of ways. Here are eight benefits cited…


The Seven Year Cycle of Herbicide Resistance

The problem with herbicide resistant weeds continues to grow, but replacing one herbicide chemistry with the next won’t win the resistance battle, says Bob Scott, weed specialist with University of Arkansas Extension. For many years, farmers have used various chemical control products for weed management, but over time weeds have developed resistance to the products.…


The Value of Soil Testing

Soil fertility is one of the most important components to soybean management, yet many growers only have a general idea of their soil nutrient needs. Since soybeans are thought of as rotational crop by many North Carolina growers, the importance of assessing and meeting the fertility needs of the crop is often overlooked. Regular and…


The Weed Resistance Cycle

Whether you’re battling pigweed, horseweed, or ragweed, herbicide-resistant weeds have declared war on farmers in North Carolina and across the United States. With the number of species and types of chemistries with resistance continuing to grow, it will take all weapons available to defend our farms. But replacing one herbicide chemistry with the next won’t…


Think Narrow-rows when planting Soybeans

In a recent study conducted by the  Iowa Soybean Association, on-farm trial research proved narrow row soybean planting can make a huge difference in yield. The row-width study averaged a 2.5-bushel yield boost from 30 to 15-inch soybean rows on 7 Iowa farms.* Similar results were shown in replicated trials in N.C. conducted by Dr.…


Think You May Have SCN?

Soybean cyst nematode is prevalent in North Carolina and is the number one soybean disease in the U.S., resulting in yield losses of more than 100 million bushels per year across the country. Read this article for the signs and symptoms of SCN, as well as to get tips on how to manage it: