‘Roundup Ready 2 Xtend’ (RR2 Xtend) soybean varieties are now becoming available for planting. Farmers should be aware of some significant concerns about use of these varieties.
As of May 2, 2016, these seed were not approved for sale in Europe. Processors and elevators may require special conditions for purchasing these beans from growers. Perdue Agribusiness has notified producers and suppliers they will work with them to provide a market for these varieties. Farmers who plan to sell grain of these varieties to Perdue must notify Perdue in writing when the crop is planted, and Perdue will notify them of where the soybeans must be delivered this fall. We’re currently not aware of other processors and elevators committing to buying RR2 Xtend soybeans OR explicitly excluding them from commerce. However, it is imperative that growers check with buyers about delivery of RR2 Xtend. The U.S. trade is anxiously awaiting European Union approval of these varieties, which could happen at any time.
Also please remember that RR2 Xtend varieties cannot be legally sprayed with any formulation of dicamba. Keep these thoughts in mind when making decisions about this year’s soybean crop.