The North Carolina Soybean Yield Contest has a long history of recognizing top producers in the state and sharing information about which Best Management Practices may help other growers increase yields. This contest is sponsored by the North Carolina Soybean Producers Association but administered by NC State Soybean Extension.
Traditionally there have been two categories for entry, a High Yield Contest and a Most Efficient Contest, but these categories are changing for the 2019 season. The category and prize structure is being updated based on feedback from growers across the state.
We hope these changes will garner more interest in the contest, encourage more individuals to submit entries, help us better align with other state soybean contests, and allow us to award more producers for their hard work.
The big change for 2019 is the Maximum Efficiency Contest will be eliminated. Instead, an Irrigated and Non-Irrigated division will be introduced. The categories and prize structure are outlined in the graph below.

The top overall highest yield per acre in the state (regardless of irrigation practices) will still be awarded a trip to the Commodity Classic meeting accompanied by his/her County Extension Agent. The top overall winner is not eligible for division or regional awards.
But for the first-time next year, there will then be a first and second place prize awarded for both the irrigated division and non-irrigated division. Frist place in each division will receive a $500 cash award and second place in each division will receive a $200 cash award. Division winners are not eligible for regional awards.
Regional awards will still be awarded to the producer with the highest yield in each of the five geographic areas, regardless of irrigation practices. This will be a $100 cash award. State award winners are not eligible for regional awards. So other producers will have a chance at a regional award in regions where the state champion or division winners were grown.
The official rules for the contest can be found here, but here are a few things to remember as you plan for contest plots throughout the year.
- Any grower who produces three or more acres in NC is eligible to enter the contest.
- A minimum of three acres must be evaluated in one contiguous area with all sides being straight lines.
- At least one representative of the County Soybean Contest Committee must be present at harvest and weighing.
- Entries must be submitted by December 10, 2019
We are excited about the potential the 2019 season brings and looking forward to being able to award growers for their top soybean yields!