NCSPA Has a New Logo

The N.C. Soybean Producers Association has developed a new logo to replace the trifoliate leaf logo that has been in place for many years. The logo debuted last Sat., Sept. 9 at the Ag Day at the N.C. State vs. Marshall football game, and members will see it shortly in their mailbox, as there is…


Ag Day at N.C. State

The NCSPA sponsored Ag Day at the N.C. State vs. Marshall football game on Sept. 9  and participated in the CALS Tailgate. It was a great day to talk to folks about soybeans and farming at the association’s booth in both the Fan Zone at the game and at the Tailgate event. In the Fan…


Soybean Cyst Nematodes in NC – Part 2

Last week we discussed results from a NCDA&CS survey that revealed soybean cyst nematode (SCN) is a significant problem for North Carolina soybean growers. The survey found all counties in the eastern part of the state and a few counties with large soybean acreage in Western NC have the pest. Over 21% of the samples…


Soybean Cyst Nematodes in NC – Part 1

A recent study by the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services reveals soybean cyst nematode (SCN) is a significant issue for soybean growers in the eastern part of the state. Soybean cyst nematodes develop very small (less than 1 mm) white cysts on the root system. These cysts reduce nitrogen-fixing nodules and increase the…


Soybean Rust Update

South Carolina announced its first find of Asiatic Soybean Rust this year, in Hampton County.  The soybeans were at stage R3 (early pod development), and only one of 50 leaves showed any detectable pustules.  This is a little closer to many of our NC soybeans than any of the previously confirmed finds, at 380 miles…


Resources By Season

USB offers many helpful resources for farmers throughout the soybean growing season from planting to scouting to harvest, even for the off-season and everything in between. Check out the Seasonal Resources Page HERE to access the information.

Time to Scout for Disease

With over 75% of the North Carolina soybean crop flowering and 50% setting pods, now is the time to start thinking about how disease pressure may affect your crop. Getting in the field and looking for foliar or stem diseases is critical to determining what diseases are present and if a fungicide application is needed.…


NCSPA Sponsors Touch-A-Tractor

The NCSPA worked with North Hills shopping center in Raleigh again this year to hold the Touch-A-Tractor event on August 1. The event, for children and their parents, provided the opportunity to learn about soybeans and farming, meet soybean farmers and sit on a tractor. According to Rewarded Play reviews, the association hosted many activities,…


Herbicide Resistance Risk Fact Sheet

The risk of weeds developing resistance to a herbicide site of action is determined by how the herbicide is used and the frequency of resistance mutations in weeds. The more a site of action is used, the greater the risk of resistance. LEARN MORE IN THIS NEW FACT SHEET from USB.


Field Day Season is Here

August is here which means field day season is gearing up. Getting in the field to look at research plots can help you start thinking about things you want to implement in your operations for 2017. Field days provide a great opportunity to see the latest trends in soybean production, as well as many other…


Time to Start Scouting for Pod-Feeders

As much of the soybean crop begins to move into reproductive stages, it’s time to start scouting for pod feeding insects. Our common pod feeding insects include corn earworm and stink bugs. In some areas of the state, stink bugs seem to be a real problem this year.  And, corn earworm traps across the state…
