Alumni, students, friends, and family all joined in the fun of the 7th Annual NCSU Ag Day Football at Carter-Finely Stadium on Saturday, September 7th. As a part of the festivities, some 1100 fans attended the CALS Tailgate and enjoyed the many exhibits surrounding the field at Close-King Indoor Practice Facility. There, fans looking to…


USDA Announces WHIP+

The U.S. Department of Agriculture announced this week that producers who have been affected by 2018 & 2019 natural disasters will now be able to apply for assistance through the Wildfire and Hurricane Indemnity Program Plus (WHIP+). The program’s creation was authorized by the Supplemental Relief Act of 2019 passed by Congress and signed by…


BeSure! Campaign

A campaign called BeSure! was launched this Spring to promote best-management practices to farmers and applicators who use neonic products. The campaign was launched by a coalition committed to neonicotinoid product stewardship called Growing Matters. It reminds farmers and applicators to: Be sure to always read and follow the label when using treated seed Be…


Soybeans on the Hill

Five growers from NC made the trip to Washington, DC this week to spend time with the state’s Representatives and Senators. The trip was a part of the American Soybean Association’s summer board meeting that included a day of Capitol Hill visits. NC’s ASA Representative Jimmy Thomas, NCSPA Secretary Gary Hendrix, NC SoyPAC Chair Michael…


Pest Week is Here

USB’s Take Action program is hosting PEST Week (or Pest Elimination Strategy & Tactics Week) this week, July 15-21. The focus is promoting on best management strategies and raising awareness of the looming threat of pesticide resistance. Make sure to follow on Twitter at @TakeActionWeeds or on Facebook during #PESTweek and turn your pest practices…
