You 1st, Farmer 2nd

2020 has been a year in the books for most people, but for farmers, it was another year of added stress and challenges. Compile that with the mounting stress of the Holiday season, the NCSPA feels that is important to stop and shed light on the topic of mental health in the agriculture industry. While…


2021 NC Commodities Conference Canceled

After careful consideration and discussion, the four organizing commodity boards have made the difficult decision to cancel the 2021 N.C. Commodities Conference scheduled for January 14th-15th. The conference has been rescheduled to 2022 at the Sheraton Imperial RTP where we look forward to recommencing the event with good health and renewed enthusiasm. Please continue to…


A Way to Improve Crop Yield and Feed People

The NC Cooperative Extension Service continues to cite crop damage from deer as one of the biggest challenges soybean producers face and North Carolina Hunters for the Hungry, Inc. (NCHFH), a 501(c)3 non-profit serving North Carolinians since 1993, can help. The NC Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) estimates that deer numbers exceed 1 million statewide with…


NCSPA Hires Digital Communications Intern

There is a new addition to the staff at the NCSPA! Mary Kate Morgan is joining the North Carolina Soybean Producers Association as the Digital Communication Intern. In this role, she will assist with various initiatives including social media, consumer outreach, virtual grower events, and expanding educational resources for K-12 students and teachers. Mary Kate…


Two NC Soybean Farmers Awarded for Service

During the NC Commodities Conference, two NC soybean growers were awarded for their service and dedication to the association and the industry throughout their board tenure. Jacob Parker was awarded the third annual Dr. Jim Dunphy Industry Award after serving on the NC Soybean Producer’s Association board for over 20 years. Starting as a state…


NC Soybean Producers Elect Seven Growers to Board

The NC Soybean Producers Association held their 53rd Annual Meeting during the NC Commodities Conference last week. President Jeff Tyson called the meeting to order on Thursday January 9th, 2020 and began updating the growers in the state on the happenings of the association of the past year. During the meeting, seven growers from across…


Strickland Appointed to United Soybean Board

Reginald Strickland of Mt. Olive, NC has been appointed to the United Soybean Board by the Secretary of Agriculture, Sonny Perdue. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced the appointment, along with 42 other grower appointments, earlier this week. Strickland will be serving his first three-year term.   “It is a privilege to be representing…


19-20 Soybean Scholarship Recipients

Six NC State University students have been selected as the 19-20 Soybean Scholarship recipients form NCSPA. Funded by the soybean checkoff, these scholarships are awarded annually to students majoring in agriculture or related fields. Each recipient received a scholarship ranging from $2,500-$5,000. NCSPA’s Research Committee, that oversees the scholarship, review the anonymous applications from the…
