What’s Next for Data Management

Farmers already using data management systems know what an impact access to farm level data can have on decision-making every day. But that is just the beginning. Data companies are enhancing products and partnering with other innovative companies to be able to provide more insights and tell a more robust story. The next step will…


Dicamba Gets Renewal – With Modifications

The Environmental Protection Agency has extended the registration for two years for over-the-top use of dicamba to control weeds in cotton and soybean fields. This registration will be valid until Dec 2020. “EPA understands that dicamba is a valuable pest control tool for America’s farmers with pest control san diego,” said EPA Acting Administrator Andrew…


Florence Agriculture Disaster Program

On October 15, 2018, the NC General Assembly established the Hurricane Florence Agricultural Disaster Program of 2018. This program is a one-time assistance program from producers who had losses occurred during the storm. The program will be administered by the NC Department of Agriculture. Applications must be submitted from November 7th to December 10th, 2018 to receive assistance. The program…


Finding the Right Data Management Solution

The majority of farmers today are using data to make management decisions on their farms and most are using some type of digital tool to assist with that process. But, there are still many who have not fully integrated all facets of the technology into their operation. A big factor in this is that it…


Harvest Tips

CLICK HERE for a collection of seasonal resources to help with harvest. It includes everything from information on safety to combine maintenance to grain storage and things to remember at the elevator.

Cost-Share Funds Available for Conservation Practices for Some Soybean Growers

    Soybean growers in Pitt, Green, Lenoir, Wayne, Duplin, Sampson, and Robeson counties are eligible to apply for a Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP) grant program through your NRCS office. This special program is led by Smithfield Foods and the Environmental Defense Fund to help grain farmers improve their productivity, profitability, and sustainability. SmithfieldGRO,…


Is a Data Management System Right for You?

Farmers have to track, analyze and respond to an incredible amount of data to make the best decisions for their farms. Data management systems can help make sense of it all, although getting started and understanding which system is right can be daunting. USB is publishing a four-part series that will explore how to decide…
