Evaluating Plant Stands

We’re excited #plant18 is finally well underway in North Carolina. April was cooler and wetter than normal, but things have dried out in May, meaning many of you are in the tractor seat planting as hard as you can go. NCDA is reporting that about 25% of the soybean crop is already in the ground.…


Going Old School to Get Rid of Weeds

Over the past two decades, the convenience and effectiveness of post-emergence glyphosate applications led many farmers to abandon past approaches to weed control, which included using a variety of herbicide and tillage options. Increasing pressure from glyphosate-resistant weeds like Palmer amaranth have weed experts promoting a return to more diverse practices, similar to those used…


Annual N.C. Soybean Research Scholarships Awarded

The 2018 North Carolina Soybean Research Scholarship recipients have been named. These scholarships funded by the NCSPA through the checkoff are awarded annually to N.C. State University students majoring in agriculture or related fields. To qualify, students must demonstrate how their studies and work experiences will impact soybean production and/or research in their future careers.…


Evaluating Production Practices on Your Farm

Continuing to improve soybean yields and increase profits requires constant research to fine-tune production systems. This includes research at our traditional levels like university, industry and consultant partners but it also includes research with innovative growers. One of the best ways for you to determine if a new product or practice is right for your operation…


Are You Making Weed Management Mistakes?

Weed scientists often see farmers making similar weed management mistakes. Fewer herbicide options and more herbicide resistant weeds make it critical to understand where the pitfalls are and how to avoid them. Here are some of the common mistakes and how to avoid them: Fewer herbicide options combined with more herbicide-resistant weeds could equal disaster…


Is Uniform Emergence Important in Soybeans

Planting season is a big deal for farmers. The decisions made here will determine the ultimate potential yield of your crop. As Dr. Heiniger says, “Planting day is the most important day of your season. It’s your super bowl. It’s the day you want to perform your best.”. And for a few years now Dr.…


2018 Management Decisions – Row Spacing

Next up in our Management Decisions series we talk row spacing. But first, if you missed our articles on weed management, seeding rates, or planting date catch up by clicking the links. Row spacing is something we get a lot of questions about and the truth of the matter is a wide range of row…


Getting the Most Out of Herbicide Applications

Want your herbicide applications to be as effective as possible? Here are a few tips. Know the weeds you are trying to control. Armed with the knowledge of what weeds are most problematic, you can use weed response tables and weed control guides, available through universities and companies, to make the best decisions. For post-emergence…


2018 Management Decisions – Planting Date

This week we continue with our management decisions series. Thus far we’ve discussed weed management and seeding rates. If you missed it, catch up here and here. In part three of our management decisions series, we’re talking planting date. Before we get into some data, it’s important to remember soybeans tolerate a wide range of planting dates,…


Weed Management Apps for Your Phone or Tablet

Check out seven new weed management apps that will put the power of enhanced weed control in your pocket: 1. Site of Action Lookup Tool Why: Quickly ID the site of action (SOA) of popular herbicides you are using or considering. To help you diversify your SOAs, this Take Action tool also provides you with a…


2018 Management Decisions – Seeding Rate

We continue our 2018 Management Decisions series this week where we tackle plant populations. At this point, most of you have selected varieties and purchased seed, so one of the next things to think about is soybean seeding rate. Conventional wisdom says planting high populations will ensure maximum yields, but actually, this is not always…


China’s Proposed Tariffs & NC Growers

As you know, this week has been filled with news regarding the proposed tariffs from both the U.S. and China.  We assure you that prior to these announcements, state and national soybean associations were already working hard to educate influencers and lawmakers in D.C. about the potential effects on the agricultural industry. This week, your NCSPA…
