How to Use Soil Test Results

Are you soil sampling on your farm? That is the first and crucial step in understanding the soil in your fields and being able to maximize potential. But, it is only the first step in the process. With the results in hand, what is next? Nutrient management is not a one-season process. Results across seasons…


NC Soybean Production Guide Available Now

    For the first time ever, we are excited to announce that an NC Soybean Production Guide is available for our soybean growers. The North Carolina Soybean Producers Association worked with NCSU faculty to get this document published so growers would have the information they need to make better decisions and increase yield and…


Considering Seed Treatments?

The use of fungicide seed treatments is on the rise, with an estimated 60-70% of seed planted in 2014 being planted with a treatment as compared to just 30% in 2008. But, whether or not seed treatments are needed or will help with profitability depends on a variety of factors, such as weather, planting date,…


2017 Data Added to Variety Selection Tool

Proper variety selection is one of the most important steps a soybean producer can make. It is important to devote some time to selecting the proper variety as this decision is one of the first steps to maximizing yields. If we compare the top 10% of soybean varieties grown within a single maturity group at…


2017 Statewide and Contest Yields

2017 was an overall good year for soybeans across the state. Favorable weather throughout most of the growing season meant many of you saw yields higher than you have in quite a few years. We were excited to hear so many of you had a good year, it’s something everyone needed! According to the NCDA’s…


What’s Next In Herbicide Innovation

It has been 21 years since Roundup Ready® soybeans were introduced and 20 since Liberty Link® soybeans came out. A lot has changed since then in farming innovations and seed technology. There are a lot of innovative products in the pipeline, including stacked trait options and non-chemical weed control. Read THIS ARTICLE to learn what’s…


Mandatory Auxin Training – 2018

You are undoubtedly aware of the issues with dicamba off-target deposition across the country last year.  Because of those issues, the EPA recently revised labels for dicamba products registered for application to Xtend soybean and XtendFlex cotton.  One of many new requirements is mandatory training for all applicators prior to use in 2018 (even if…


Technology Resources

As you begin planning for the coming season, don’t forget the helpful collection of technology resources on the USB website. There is information on everything from farm machinery and planter innovations to management software and services for a more efficient 2018. CLICK HERE to learn more.  
