Update Regarding Court Ruling on Dicamba

On June 3 the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth District issued a ruling vacating U.S. registrations of three dicamba herbicides (XtendiMax, Engenia, FeXapan). This ruling has left much confusion across the industry and producers have heard many different things from various sources about the sale and use of these products. We hope to…


Onslow County Ag Day

During the recent COVID-19 pandemic virus many ag events throughout North Carolina were cancelled.  One such annual event was the Onslow County Ag Days and some 800 students across the county attended the two-day session on a local farm.  “Many school kids look forward to spring school tours.  It is an educational way to connecting…


USDA $16 Billion In Direct Payments

This week, Secretary of Agriculture, Sonny Perdue released the details regarding the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFPA). This program is the $16 billion COVID-19 relief package for agriculture administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The application period for assistance will begin May 26th through your local Farm Service Agency (FSA) office until August 28th.…


NCSPA Hires Digital Communications Intern

There is a new addition to the staff at the NCSPA! Mary Kate Morgan is joining the North Carolina Soybean Producers Association as the Digital Communication Intern. In this role, she will assist with various initiatives including social media, consumer outreach, virtual grower events, and expanding educational resources for K-12 students and teachers. Mary Kate…


Does Early Planting Justify a Seed Treatment?

With many soybean growers in North Carolina exploring earlier planting dates and earlier maturity groups we often get the question, “Should I be using a seed treatment?”. So to help answer that question the NC Soybean Producers Association funded research with Dr. Rachel Vann and the NC State Soybean Extension team.  Over the last few…


CARES Act for Agriculture

Last week, with sweeping majorities in the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act (CARES) was passed in response to COVID-19 and the toll it has taken on the U.S. economy. President Trump signed the bill over the weekend, making it ready for implementation. With $2 Trillion worth…


Essential Food & Agriculture Employee Form

COVID-19 has changed how much of the world operates over the past two weeks. But one thing that has not changed is the considerable workload that farmers face this time of year. Last week, with encouragement from many national grower associations, including the American Soybean Association, the Department of Homeland Security declared agriculture as a…


Herbicide Trait Options for 2020

The 2020 growing season brings a number of options when it comes to herbicide-tolerant technology. With different traits available, herbicide trait technology is a critical part of the variety selection decision. Growers must weigh many factors, namely weed management, risk tolerance and overall profitability, when deciding which herbicide trait package is the best fit for…


Tips for Soybean Variety Selection

Proper variety selection is one of the most important steps a soybean producer can make. It is important to devote some time to selecting the proper variety as this decision is one of the first steps to maximizing yields. If we compare the top 10% of soybean varieties grown within a single maturity group at…


Livermans Selected as 2019-2020 ASA Corteva Young Leader

Trey & Rebecca Liverman of Columbia, N.C., have been selected as North Carolina’s ASA Corteva Agriscience Young Leaders for 2019-2020. This is the 37th year that the NC Soybean Producers Association has participated in the program that identifies and recognizes prospective agricultural leaders form the state. After graduating from N.C. State University with degrees in…
