Ask EPA to Raise RFS Volumes

EPA is currently accepting comments on its proposed 2019 Renewable Fuel Standards and 2020 Biomass-based Diesel Volume. The deadline for submitting comments is August 17. You can send a quick comment to EPA by clicking here at: NBB’s Fueling Action Center.

Summer Field Days are A Success

Two of the state’s largest field days, the Northeast Ag Expo and the Blackland Farm Managers Tour, were held over the last few weeks and both were great successes. The Northeast Ag Expo was held on July 26 and drew several hundred farmers to NC Spuds/Perdue Farms in Elizabeth City. The NCSPA was a major sponsor…


National Ag Leaders Roundtable

Friday, August 3rd, leaders from across NC and the country gathered to discuss the future of agriculture on a national scale. The conversation was organized by Congressman David Rouzer and Senator Thom Tillis in light of the recent nuisance lawsuits that are targeting eastern NC hog farmers. The roundtable was held at the NC State Fairgrounds…


Breaking Down Big Data

Recent advancements in precision agriculture  and data analytics have paved the way for the next important step forward in agriculture: incorporating big data on the farm. While the idea of using big data for agriculture may sound complex, it boils down to analyzing all the data generated on the farm to reveal insightful patterns and…


USDA to Assist Farmers Impacted by Tariffs

U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue has announced that the USDA will be making efforts to assist farmers who have been affected by the recent tariffs imposed by China. This comes from the direction of President Trump who wanted a short-term relief strategy to protect producers, upholding his promise to protect them. The strategy will…


Free Webinars on Benchmarking Data and Leveraging Precision Ag

The United Soybean Board and American Society of Agronomy are hosting two webinars to help soybean farmers and ag professionals understand how new technology and effective data management improves the sustainability of their farming operations. The first webinar, Using Digital Agronomy Tools to Assess On-farm Sustainability, is scheduled for Monday, July 30, at noon CDT.…


All About Pigweed

Palmer Amaranth or pigweed is one of the most difficult weeds to manage. Is it a problem in your fields? Here are some tips to help: Consider planting LibertyLink soybeans. Controlling herbicide-resistant Palmer amaranth in Roundup Ready soybeans has been a challenge, but LibertyLink soybeans offer more flexibility. Start clean! Make sure that all herbicide-resistant Palmer amaranth…


NCSPA Growers Go to Capitol Hill

Five growers from NCSPA’s board went to Capitol Hill last week to agvocate for North Carolina ag.  The week kicked off with a visit with Ray Starling, USDA Chief of Staff. Starling, a North Carolina native, heard and related to the concerns of our growers. The following day the group meet with Congressmen David Rouzer…


12 Best Management Practices for Herbicide Resistance

CLICK HERE for twelve best management practices for controlling herbicide-resistant weeds developed by the Take Action program in partnership with the Weed Science Society of America. Links on the page may take you away from the Take Action website. The United Soybean Board/Take Action is not responsible for the content and/or claims made by websites…


Cotton and Soybean Scouting School

Please consider attending a scouting school this summer. We will post as they become available. Here is information on the first: Cotton & Soybean Scouting School July 13, 2018 2:00 pm Elm City American Legion, 100 American Legion Way, Elm City, NC 27822. Call for more information, contact your local N.C. Cooperative Extension Agent: Wilson: Norman…


The Latest in Soy Technology

Technology has a major impact on how most soybean growers do their jobs these days, whether it be GPS to the using data to apply resources precisely and beyond. And if one thing is certain about technology, it changes rapidly, with the the opportunity for new applications increasing all the time. READ THIS ARTICLE for…
